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Our company hereby confirms that we abide below working conditions;


Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor


A working personnel is obliged to do the work for which he/she is assigned in return for a fee, in accordance with the employment contract established with the employer with his/her consent. The employer undertakes not to force the employee to work overtime or in a job other than the employment contract without the emploee's consent.


Child Labor Prevention


Our company undertakes to act in accordance with the procedures and principles of employing children and young workers and not to hire anyone under the legal minimum age limit.




Our company undertakes to employ employees based on their ability to do the job and not according to language, religion, race, sect, color, ethnicity, marital status, gender, political thought, philosophical belief, age, pregnancy and disability.

It provides equal opportunities to all employees, except for the special working conditions that laws allow pregnant women, young workers and disabled people to do these jobs.


Decent Working Hours


Our company undertakes to comply with the laws and obligations in force in determining the working hours, to comply with the voluntary principle in overtime, to comply with the weekly and annual overtime limits specified by the Laws and customer standards, and to pay the wages of the overtime by calculating the increased wage specified by the Laws.


Fair Fees and Payments


It undertakes to make regular and overtime payments determined by the laws and collective bargaining agreement, to provide social assistance to the employees as determined in the collective bargaining agreement, and to meet the minimum living standard in our region.


Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights


Employees can gather in a collective way. They are free to become members of unions or legal associations, provided that they comply with the legal conditions. Employment contractrs of employees cannot be terminated or employees cannot be discriminated against for being members of a union, association or community. As an employer, it is our primary duty to protect the legal rights of employees and to create an environment where employees' rights are respected.


Discipline / Prevention of Maltreatment and Harassment


It undertakes to respect the personality and dignity of each employee, not to apply corporate punishment, not to allow verbal, physical, sexual or psychological harassment, mobbing, threat or coercion.


Freedom of Representation


In accordance with legal conditions and standards, we undertake to respect the representation rights of our employees and support their ability to express themselves.


Rockgold International Limited
Suite 54, 88 Lower Marsh SE1 7AB, London United Kingdom